시스템오류접수 홈으로 연구실관리 Login 고려대학교 의과대학 홈

The Safety Security Management System is designed to be regularly updated to the latest information by linking with the following computer system to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of information.
- Academic Affair System: Info. on the persons engaged in research activities
- Space management system: Laboratory info., full-time persons who engage in research activities, information on the equipment to manage

The Lock function should be set not to automatically update the laboratory information or information on the equipment to manage.


  • 조직도
  • 오시는 길
찾아오시는 길 안내
찾아오시는 길
지하철 안암역 6호선 1번 출구
버 스 101번, 111번, 144번, 163번, 1017번, 7211, 성북04, 1222, 273, 1111
자동차 고려대로를 따라 150m 이동 후 우회전 20m 이동